7 Questions About CoolSculpting to Ask Your Doctor
About half of the adults across the country are actively trying to lose weight. It’s a common goal because weight loss can lead you to more confidence and healthy life!
Hate Your Ink? What You Can Do About Tattoo Regret
Tattoos are incredibly popular, and around 45 million Americans have some ink on them. But what happens when you fall out of love with the art that’s now part of your body?
It feels like it was just yesterday that skin-lifting surgeries were the only cosmetic procedure that enabled us to defy gravity and the signs of aging that come with it.
How Much Does Ultherapy on the Neck Cost? Your Ultimate Ultherapy Guide
Ultherapy may be what you’ve been looking for all along but never knew about. That’s because Ultherapy is the only FDA-cleared procedure that is non-invasive and lifts the neck,
CoolSculpting aftercare is essential in maintaining the results from your amazing treatment. With this, following the tips below are super helpful for your aftercare and will keep you maintaining those…
CoolSculpting is a quick and simple way to lose those extra pounds without the hassle of exercise. Get this: CoolSculpting first received FDA approval in 2010.
6 Amazing Things You Need To Know About Venus Legacy Treatments
Are you seeking the secret behind younger-looking radiant skin? Age, genetics, and lifestyle habits all cause the skin to change in appearance over time.
Venus Legacy is the ideal nonsurgical procedure to reshape, contour and tighten your body. This treatment is great for those that are looking to tighten their skin and rejuvenate the…
EMSCULPT is an entirely non-invasive procedure using HIFEM, high-intensity focused electromagnetic technology, causing specific muscle reactions called supramaximal contractions.
Lick It Up! All You Need To Know About Lip Injections
Ahh, you’ve got to love those Kardashians! No siblings in the history of womanhood have done more for the cause of the perpetual pout than these lovely ladies.
What Should You Take, Do, and Wear After CoolSculpting?
You finally booked it; good for you! You got a jumpstart on the number one New Year’s resolution to get lean and scheduled your first CoolSculpting appointment.
Can We All Get More of What We Had Before with BioTE?
Most of us have heard the words “hormone replacement therapy,” and most of us have a general idea of who may need it and why a patient is considered a…
DIET. EXERCISE. REPEAT. Been there, done that? Yet, you STILL have the figure flaws you discovered around the time you found out ice cream CAN bring about a fix on…
If you can’t nod your head or associate with ANY of the following issues, you’re possibly part of the one percent of the population that belongs walking on the Victoria’s…
What is Isagenix? Isagenix is your one-stop solution for healthcare and wellness essentials. Isagenix understands and empathizes with all those individual needs to stay healthy and fit,
We’re celebrating a decade of glowing skin and body transformations with special events starting January 28th and running through February! Enjoy exclusive experiences + pricing featuring DiamondGlow and Emsculpt at each of our locations.