Solutions for Aging Skin

Solutions for Aging Skin

As we get older, our age starts to show more and more. No longer do we have those perfect jawlines and smooth faces.

As we get older, our age starts to show more and more. No longer do we have those perfect jawlines and smooth faces. Skin MD understands that you may not want to show your age. We don’t like to feel old, either! That is why we offer many innovative and effective treatments to help you look and feel like your younger self. Below, we’ll go through two of our favorite and most effective treatments for reversing the signs of aging. 

Venus Legacy

The first treatment that is commonly used at Skin MD to fight the signs of aging is our Venus Legacy treatment. This treatment consists of our Varipulse and 3D MP2 Energy. Both technologies consist of multipolar radio frequencies and pulsed magnetic fields. Both help to create a therapeutic heat matrix over your skin. Combining both technologies helps to galvanize the skin into its healing process, thus creating new elastin. 

What to Expect From Venus Legacy

Venus Legacy is both a noninvasive and painless procedure. Furthermore, treatments commonly only last 30 minutes, and results can be seen directly after your first treatment. There is no downtime, and six to eight treatments are conventional per affected area. Venus Legacy is recommended with 6 to 8 treatments to resolve any problem areas fully. The most common areas of the body treated are the face, neck, and abdomen. This treatment creates firmer skin, while concurrently producing much-needed collagen for the body. 

What is Venus Legacy Used For?

Venus Legacy is an excellent choice for people that strive to regain the look of their youth, minus any downtime. Treatments help to dimish the signs of aging, like fine lines and sagging skin. Collagen restoration helps to make your face look both younger and fuller. 

Everyone wants to feel like they did in their teens, but that is not possible for most of us. Venus Legacy helps to restore our youth by helping to rid our faces of wrinkles and fine lines, both signs that the years have unfortunately caught up with us. Through the use of two innovative technologies, Venus Legacy can help you to feel young again. 


The second treatment used at Skin MD to fight aging is Profound. This treatment consists of energy micro-needling to help recreate and build the main components of your skin: elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. Utilizing energy needling allows precise heat to penetrate the dermal and sub-q layers of the skin, allowing areas of the body to be treated for sagging skin, cheeks, jawlines, necks, wrinkles, and cellulite.

What to Expect From Profound

If you’re looking to have a significant improvement in wrinkles, sagging skin, and more, Profound is the treatment you have been looking for. Utilizing the bipolar RF system, this treatment helps to reduce drooping of skin on your body, defining your jawline and diminishing cellulite and wrinkles. Profound is also clinically proven to be effective with a 100% success rate. Treatments typically last for about an hour to an hour and a half. Results are seen a few months after your first treatment. 

What Is Profound Used For?

Profound, much like Venus Legacy, is used to help combat the signs of aging. The bipolar RF system allows the building blocks of your skin to be recreated, thus producing needed elements such as elastin and collagen. 

At Skin MD, we understand that displaying the signs of aging may not be for everyone. That is why we are pleased to offer both Venus Legacy and Profound to our patients in the Boston area and throughout Massachusetts. Both treatments help reduce the signs of aging by restoring the needed building blocks of the skin. Elastin and collagen help keep your skin tight and firm. However, as years pass us by, we lose both quickly, and regaining them can be difficult. Both Venus Legacy and Profound are great options for people that strive to recapture their youth through noninvasive, painless treatments. Schedule a free consultation at Skin MD to learn more about Venus Legacy, Profound, and our other treatments. 

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