Sure, a bad hair day is bound to happen every once in a while, but a bad body day? Well, let’s just say that for many of us, these seem to be occurring with more and more frequency. Whether it’s attributable to our natural aging process, or the size and shape our parents gifted us with at birth. Maybe it’s time to consider CoolSculpting?
A common misconception is that we get mushy, jiggly, or saggy in various areas because our fat cells are multiplying in these trouble spots. In reality, the number of fat cells in our body is essentially fixed by the age of four. However, while the amount of fat cells stays constant throughout adulthood, it is the expansion of these cells that makes us want to throw on a baggy pullover and leggings no matter the weather.
As our bodies change before our eyes, it also becomes increasingly challenging to stop comparing ourselves to what others around us seem to have “going on.” We wonder why we don’t look the same way in jeans, tank tops, and the now forsaken bikini bathing suit. After all, we feel like we are working twice as hard as everyone else to exercise, eat well, and watch our weight. Whether you’re scrutinizing people at the gym, at work, in a magazine, or at your mommy-and-me playgroup, you are spending time and energy focusing on other’s figures. Have you considered, though, that these people, and their bodies that you envy, may be one small step ahead of you in figuring out the way to look good from every angle, in any clothing?

As the world’s #1 non-invasive fat reduction procedure, CoolSculpting® is the perfect body contouring solution for that aggravating muffin top, pesky double chin or annoying bra/back fat. As Boston’s #1 CoolSculpting® practice, Skin MD offers treatment results you can be confident in.
Invest in CoolSculpting® and freeze away unwanted fat
The medical providers at Skin MD are here to let you in on what millions of people, including celebrities, already know; there is a “cool” way to remove problem fat for good. CoolSculpting® technology is a non-invasive, comfortable, and pain-free solution for men and women to target fat cells underneath the skin. With CoolSculpting®, you are going to look and feel the very best you ever have. No needles are used, and you won’t lose any downtime from your daily routine. The way it works is amazingly simple; in fact, we can describe it in just three steps:

Stubborn Fat
CoolSculpting® technology uses controlled cooling to gently and effectively target and kill only fat cells, without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue.

Targets the Fat
After the treatment, your body’s lymphatic system naturally flushes out the dead fat cells in the areas that were targeted.

Fat Elimination
Within three months, you will see and feel the lasting results – a 25% reduction in fat cells in the treatment area.

What areas CoolSculpting® can treat:
- Stomach / Abdomen
- Inner and Outer Thighs (Flanks)
- Upper Arms
- Chin
- Jawline areas
- Above Your Hips
- Around Your Glutes
- Under Your Bra Line – Bra Fat
- Banana roll, underneath your Buttocks
Why CoolSculpting®?
If you are comparing the benefits and results of a surgical procedure versus CoolSculpting®, here are some things to consider. With the traditional surgical method of fat reduction – liposuction – you can expect at least a week of recovery time and can expect to miss work and family activities during this time while experiencing some discomfort, swelling and bruising.
CoolSculpting®, on the other hand, is a non-invasive procedure with no downtime – you can return to your routine immediately after treatment! The CoolSculpting treatment is painless and can be quite relaxing; you can email, talk on the phone, read a book, and even take a nap during your appointment. Also, CoolSculpting’s fat-freezing method aligns with your body’s natural process of disposing of dead fat cells, leaving a more sculpted you.
How much does CoolSculpting® Cost?
Pricing for CoolSculpting® is very much standardized throughout the country and discounts are only available when purchasing in a series. The big differentiator to pay attention to is how well trained are the practitioners providing your service? Skin MD staff have all been trained at CoolSculpting® University and receive annual continuing education from the CoolSculpting® pros at Allergan.
- $750 for single treatment (1 cycle)
- $1500 to $8600 for series (multiple cycles)
For CoolSculpting® discounted pricing, schedule a consult with a Skin MD patient care coordinator.
What Results Can I Expect from CoolSculpting®?
If you’ve ever wondered why losing weight never made you feel like you’d lost fat, you are not crazy. These are two very different things. When you lose weight, your fat cells may get smaller, but you do not get rid of them. That’s why, even after the numbers on the scale drop, you can still often grab a good handful of fat from above your hips, on your inner and outer thighs, or on your flanks. With CoolSculpting®, the fat cells will actually leave your body and these once troublesome areas become smooth and contoured.
After a CoolSculpting® treatment, most clients will realize up to a 25% reduction of fat in the treated area(s). The full result of your fat freezing treatments typically takes about 12 weeks to see and feel because the body will gradually get rid of the fat cells. However, if you want faster and even better results, Skin MD offers the exclusive Fire and Ice treatment that combines CoolSculpting® with Venus Legacy. With this synergistic approach, Skin MD patients see results as quickly as four weeks from the first treatment. In addition to speeding up the removal of dead fat cells, the Fire and Ice procedure reduces puffiness and leaves skin looking tighter and leaner. (confirming tomorrow on call that they still offer this treatment pairing!)
What is the science behind CoolSculpting®?
CoolSculpting is a revolutionary technology that uses a precisely controlled cooling method called Cryolipolysis® to target, cool, and reduce fat cells. However, the insight behind the idea came from a reasonably pedestrian observation by scientists at Harvard University, who observed that some children who ate popsicles got dimples in their cheeks. The scientists—Dieter Manstein, MD, and R. Rox Anderson, MD—realized that the popsicles were freezing and minimizing small pockets of fat cells. Consequently, a theory was developed that cold can target fat cells without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue. This idea, studied in more than 5,500 clinical trial patients, became the insight behind Cryolipolysis®, the proven science on which the CoolSculpting procedure is based.
What Does CoolSculpting® Feel Like?
Your CoolSculpting® session begins with, of course, a cooling sensation. You will typically feel an intense cold, but this soon dissipates. The area generally goes numb within 5 to 10 minutes during treatment, and each area treated usually takes about an hour. The great news is that the treatment is incredibly easy, and all Skin MD locations are set up to ensure your comfort. However, what each patient experiences are subjective, and each individual responds differently to the treatment and area being treated.
While most of our patients find CoolSculpting® comfortable enough to do work on their laptop, talk on the phone, read, or even take a nap, some people do experience a mild level of discomfort that can include a pulling sensation, tightness, cramping, numbness, tingling, itchiness, or stinging in the area being treated or possibly in the days or weeks after the treatment.
A Skin MD CoolSculpting® provider is always available during your treatment and will be checking in on you regularly. When the treatment is over, your provider will massage the treated area for 2 to 3 minutes, at which point you may feel some tingling again. Although the sensations associated with CoolSculpting® may differ among all our patients, one thing is consistent – the experience is well worth the results!
Is CoolSculpting® Safe?
CoolSculpting® is proven to be a safe and effective treatment that requires no needles, no incisions, and is FDA-cleared for the treatment of visible fat bulges in 9 areas on your body. The procedure destroys the targeted fat cells only and leaves the skin and underlying organs unaffected.
As a physician-owned and operated Medical Spa, you can be certain that the Skin MD team has undergone extensive training and certification on how to safely use the CoolSculpting® device.The technology also has built-in safety measures that will automatically shut down the machine if sensors detect that the skin is getting too cold. While CoolSculpting® is the #1 non-invasive fat reduction procedure and millions of CoolSculpting® procedures have been performed worldwide, it is not for everyone. You should not have the procedure if you suffer from cryoglobulinemia, cold agglutinin disease, or paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria. CoolSculpting® procedure is not a treatment for obesity.

CoolSculpting® Elite
CoolSculpting® Elite targets, freezes, and eliminates treated fat cells in 9 different areas using a fat-freezing technology known as cryolipolysis. This noninvasive process naturally eliminates up to 20-25% of treated fat cells over a 1-3 month period.
With CoolSculpting® Elite, you can pinpoint exact trouble spots where you’d like to reduce fat. We will work with you to customize a treatment plan that’s unique to you and your body contouring goals. You’ll find your clothes fit better, look better, and feel better on you.
Ready to get started?
Skin MD is the leading provider of CoolSculpting® for Boston and the surrounding areas. We help our clients look, feel, and be their best! Dr. Flashner and the Skin MD team of highly experienced Registered Nurses and Estheticians will do everything in their power to help you achieve your desired goals.