With our CoolMini Treatment, you can get rid of stubborn fat under your chin for a picture-perfect jawline.
“Wow,” you say as you look at your face from every angle in the mirror. “What is that bulge underneath my chin?!” If you are like most of us, that bulge, sadly, is extra fat forming under your chin. Not flattering in photos because you look heavier and older than you are. Perhaps most troubling, that extra fat may be making you look just like dear old mom or dad!
Now you’re thinking, this doesn’t make any sense because you’re not a big person and you’re still young? Well, these little fat pockets under our chins don’t care how old you are. They strike whether you are heavy or thin, in your late 50s or early 20s, a workout junkie or a dedicated couch potato. Often, an annoying double chin is a result of a genetic (inherited) tendency – thanks again, mom and dad. Unfortunately, this does not offer the impact you desire when it comes to this area of your face.

What Is CoolMini And How Does It Work?
CoolMini comes from our friends at CoolSculpting®, the #1 non-invasive fat-reduction treatment. CoolSculpting® gets rid of fat by freezing it away in the most common “trouble zones” like stomachs, thighs, glutes, bra line, and above the hips. However, CoolSculpting is FDA-approved to treat smaller areas of the body, like the pesky flab under our chins, with an innovative applicator called CoolMini.
The CoolMini procedure uses the same science as CoolSculpting®, creating ice crystals in your fat cells, which ultimately destroys them. CoolMini takes about an hour and can freeze a quarter of the fat from under your chin. The best candidates for this treatment are women with looser, more mature skin. The affected area needs to be gently pulled up into the handpiece while it’s being chilled. However, CoolMini could be right for you, no matter your age and skin tightness.
The procedure can feel slightly uncomfortable as the fat is frozen, but this is relieved by massaging the area, which your Skin MD practitioner will do post-treatment. Is there downtime, you ask? Absolutely none. Plus, you can expect to see your chin look tighter and for fat to dissipate gradually, and naturally, over several months. Best of all, most of our patients only need one treatment to get these beautifying results, which saves you significant amounts of time and money.
What is the science behind CoolMini?
As with any procedure, side effects are possible but tend to be minimal following the CoolMini procedure. Side effects can include but are not limited to, temporary pain, mild to moderate swelling, temporary numbness, a tingling sensation, a slight burning sensation, redness, or bruising of the treated area. There have been instances in which nerve pain was felt several weeks following the procedure, but this has been a rare occurrence. Other patients have reported no significant effects after the procedure.
Taking time off from work or obligations is not necessary. You can take a couple of hours out of your day to come to the Skin MD location that is most convenient for you and, after the session, return to work, your social calendar, or your family, most likely without anyone noticing a thing! This is the considerable advantage of having a non-invasive procedure like the CoolMini.
What can I expect after a CoolMini procedure?
As with any procedure, side effects are possible but tend to be minimal following the CoolMini procedure. Side effects can include but are not limited to, temporary pain, mild to moderate swelling, temporary numbness, a tingling sensation, a slight burning sensation, redness, or bruising of the treated area. There have been instances in which nerve pain was felt several weeks following the procedure, but this has been a rare occurrence. Other patients have reported no significant effects after the procedure.
What results can I expect from CoolMini?
Within a few weeks, the treated fat pocket should begin to diminish in size. Typically, patients will see the optimal final results for several months following the procedure. More sessions will create even more dramatic results, but the reduction in fat from just one treatment can be significant. Results are gradual and happen over a few months, and thus look very natural.
Is CoolMini safe?
The FDA approved the CoolMini device by CoolSculpting® in late September 2015 for the treatment of visible fat bulges under the chin. Since then, tens of thousands of people like you have used the technology to effectively remove fat from under their chin without a needle or an incision. The procedure safely destroys the targeted fat cells only and leaves the skin and underlying organs unaffected. As a physician-owned and operated Medical Spa, you can be confident that the Skin MD team has undergone extensive training and certification on how to safely use the CoolMini system. The technology also has built-in safety measures that will automatically shut down the machine if sensors detect that the skin is getting too cold. We are thrilled to be able to offer our patients the #1 non-invasive fat-reduction treatment now approved for treating the fat pocket under your chin.
Why choose Skin MD to address your double chin?
Consider yourself lucky because today, there are more options than ever for blasting away that chin fat! There are multiple treatments available to explore and at Skin MD and we have them all. CoolMini may be the best treatment for your aesthetic goals, or you may find yourself exploring Kybella®, or one of our alternative options like FaceTite. Regardless, options to address your pesky chin fat are here.
At Skin MD, we will always set realistic goals so that expectations are met and hopefully exceeded. We find joy in helping our clients and we hope to become your aesthetic and skincare partner on this lifelong journey to looking, feeling, and being your best.
Your Skin MD experience begins with a one-on-one consultation where we:
- Review treatments you’ve had in the past
- Address your overall health and concerns
- Assess your skin tone, texture and laxity
- Define your aesthetic goals
- Discuss treatment solutions
- Set appropriate expectations
If it is determined that dermal filler is the optimal solution for you, then all we will need to do is book your procedure; no special preparations or skincare regimens are required in advance of your treatment.
Ready to start your journey? Schedule your consultation today.