CO2RE<sup>®</sup> Laser Resurfacing
Your Skin Doesn’t Have to Tell Your Age.

CO2RE® Laser Resurfacing

Skin MD CO2RE® Laser Resurfacing is ideal for addressing sun damage, freckles, and more. Schedule in Massachusetts.

Some people wholeheartedly embrace the signs of aging and the indications that a life well-lived has been left on their face and body. They are perfectly content with how they look, even if they may have visible wrinkles, lines, scars, and many other signs of growing older and just living life. But for some of us… not so much!

From the time we are infants until they mature age we are today; our faces and bodies have been fighting an uphill battle. The sun’s damaging UV rays, inflamed blemishes, repetitive facial expressions, dehydration, medications, pregnancy, and our genetics; all play a role in making us look every year we are. Luckily, for those of us who care about the way we look and feel, we do have a lot of resources to put up a good fight and potentially win the continuing war on aging.

At Skin MD, we take pride in bringing state-of-the-art technologies, like CO2RE® laser resurfacing, into the battle against time.  

What is CO2RE® Laser Resurfacing?

CO2RE® is a fractioned CO2 laser used to take off the surface layers of skin to reduce sun damage, fine lines, and wrinkles. When the soft skin tissue heals, you will find a bright, new complexion underneath. The CO2RE® laser treatments range from a light skin resurfacing that refreshes the complexion to a deep resurfacing treatment that improves your skin’s overall appearance.

Close-up on a woman's face

What can the CO2RE® treat?

  • Acne scarring
  • Age spots
  • Fine lines, deep lines, and wrinkles, even around the eyes and mouth
  • Hyperpigmentation and other skin tone concerns
  • Large pores
  • Leathery textured skin and other issues related to sun damage
  • Loose or sagging skin
  • Rough skin texture

What Are the Benefits of This Laser?

  • Enhanced skin tone and texture
  • Reduced effects of sun and aging
  • Smoothing out fine lines, wrinkles, and scarring
  • Minimally invasive
  • Light, mid, deep and fusion options
  • Treatment typically takes under 90 minutes
  • Minimal downtime

Why Do the Skin MD Practitioners Love the CO2RE® Laser?

We find it:

  • Versatile – The CO2RE® provides us with six different treatment modes to choose from to effectively treat both your skin’s superficial and deeper dermal layers.
  • Precise – The CO2RE® gives us strict control over the intensity, pattern, and depth of your treatment.
  • Faster Results – For most of your skin damage concerns, you will need only one treatment. Plus, the total time it takes for you to see results is much shorter than with any previous ablation technology; approximately 5-7 days with a lighter treatment and 10-14 days with a more in-depth treatment.

With the CO2RE® technology, we are now able to precisely treat every patient’s unique concerns. For example, you may require a light mode or Fractional Rejuvenation; if you want to alleviate pigmentary issues, fine lines, and wrinkles, or overall skin tone and complexion issues. Or, if you are like most of our clients, you may need a moderate to a deep level of treatment, or Fractional Resurfacing, to address scars and more severe skin damage and imperfections.

With its fractional resurfacing technology, the CO2RE® pinpoints specific places on your skin to treat, while leaving other spots alone. CO2RE® technology uses a matrix of laser light points that leave you with some “damaged” skin and some healthy skin. While the damaged skin areas stimulate your body’s natural healing process; growth factors in the skin that has been left alone help you heal faster, have less downtime, and achieve superior results.

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How does the CO2RE® fractional laser work?

CO2RE® laser fractional rejuvenation and resurfacing are very precise and treat microscopic columns of skin. During your procedure, the laser is passed over your skin, sending out brief pulses of high-energy light. Each pulse lasts less than a millisecond. This light is absorbed by water and substances in the skin called chromophores and changed into heat energy. The heat then destroys (vaporizes) thin sections of skin, layer by layer. Between passes of the laser, the skin will be wiped with a cooling solution that also removes tissue that the laser has destroyed. The number of passes needed depends on how large the area is and what type of skin concern you are having treated.

As the targeted area heals, collagen and healthy new skin cells are produced, replacing the damaged skin that was removed during the laser treatment. Since untreated areas surround the treated areas of skin, the result is visible improvement without much bleeding or scabbing.

Is the CO2RE® procedure painful?

This is not a pain-free experience, but with a fractional rejuvenation or resurfacing procedure, you should experience only moderate discomfort during the treatment. An anesthetic will be applied before the procedure, which typically makes any discomfort tolerable. You may feel a snapping feeling against your skin as the laser passes over the treatment area. Still, from our personal experience and from what our clients tell us, the sensation is very similar to a chemical peel.

The CO2RE®  Rejuvenation treatments, or light treatments, have a healing time of approximately five to seven days. Post-procedure, you can expect that your complexion will change over several days, from somewhat red to a bronzy glow to patchy to the final stage, peeling and shedding of the dead skin cells, which is the body’s natural exfoliation process. Within 72 hours, you can apply makeup as usual.

The Resurfacing treatment, or moderate to deep CO2RE® mode, is simply an enhanced version, and the healing time will thus be longer about 10-14 days. In most cases, there is little or no bleeding; however, severely damaged skin is more likely to bleed. So, you may not want to schedule any social activities for the first several days post-procedure, and you will need to go without makeup for about a week.

However, regardless of the CO2RE®  level used, after just a few days, you will see remarkable results, and your skin will be noticeably improved!

Is CO2RE® Safe?

Yes, this Skin MD technology is the latest generation of FDA-approved CO2 lasers and can correct many cosmetic and dermatological skin conditions through a single procedure. However, it is critical that you meet with a medical professional, whether at Skin MD or wherever you choose to get your treatment, to discuss your complete medical and skin history to minimize the potential for any adverse reactions. At Skin MD, we consider your overall general health before we recommend any laser treatment. Also, women who are pregnant or nursing or anyone with a history of melanoma, are all contraindicated for laser treatment of any kind.

How long do CO2RE® results last?

The CO2RE Fractional Rejuvenation and Resurfacing procedures can be truly life-changing, especially for people who spend thousands of dollars every year on trying to look, feel, and be their best. Now, with just one CO2RE® treatment, you can correct skin damage and other skin imperfections for years. We are not claiming to have found the fountain of youth; we still cannot stop the aging process. However, we can commit to getting you skin that looks and feels rejuvenated for a extended time. Of course, you may still choose to get fillers and other cosmetic procedures.

Do I need to take any special precautions after a CO2RE® treatment?

Everyone’s skin concerns are different, and the course of treatment we are going to recommend – pre-, during, and post-procedure – will be specific to an individual’s needs. We will also strongly encourage you to use moisturizer and sunscreen during the healing process and ongoing. Furthermore, Dr. Flashner and/or our Skin MD nursing team will schedule follow up appointments with you at least every nine months to assess your skin’s health and to continue to educate you on the importance of the right products to slow down the natural aging process. With the CO2RE® procedure, we will have corrected the damage that has already taken place, and as you gradually age, your skin will look, feel, and be much better.

CO2RE® treatments could be right for you if you are seeking younger-looking skin without the extended downtime associated with conventional resurfacing procedures. Particularly if you have skin damaged by exposure to the sun, age spots, fine lines, discoloration, rough texture, and other skin imperfections.

Why Skin MD for your CO2RE® treatments?

At Skin MD, we will always set realistic goals so that expectations are met and hopefully exceeded. We find joy in helping our clients and we hope to become your aesthetic and skincare partner on this lifelong journey to looking, feeling, and being your best.

Your Skin MD experience begins with a one-on-one consultation where we:

  • Review treatments you’ve had in the past
  • Address your overall health and concerns
  • Assess your skin tone, texture and laxity  
  • Define your aesthetic goals
  • Discuss treatment solutions
  • Set appropriate expectations

Ready to start your journey? Schedule your consultation today.

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(844) 754-6631